This course provides the students an introduction to Sociolinguistics: the study of the relationship between language and society, variation at all levels of language and how such variation constructs and is constructed by identity and culture. An exploration of attitudes and ideologies about these varieties will be of particular importance to understanding this relationship. This course focuses on the various aspects of human behavior and socio-cultural interaction that affect language structure, use, learning, and acquisition. Topics discussed include sociolinguistics methodology, multi linguistics, speech-act types, language styles, language and sex roles, and the sociolinguistics of literature. The course will also consider some of the educational, political, and social repercussions of these sociolinguistic facts.
English syntax to undergraduate students is to help students enhance their understanding of the structure of English in a systematic and scientific way. Basic knowledge of this kind is essential for students to move on the next stages, in which they will be able to perform linguistic analyses for simple as well as complex English phenomena. This new introductory textbook has been developed with this goal in mind. The book focuses primarily on the descriptive facts of English syntax, presented in a way that encourages students to develop keen insights into the English data. It then proceeds with the basic, theoretical concepts of generative grammar from which students can develop abilities to think, reason, and analyze English sentences from linguistic points of view.
Curriculum and Instructional Materials Development
Mata Kuliah ini mendiskusikan konsep dasar kurikulum, beserta komponen-komponennya, pengelolaannya, model dan pendekatan pengembangan kurikulum.Selain itu dibahas pula Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan ( KTSP ), dan Kurikulum 2013 berikut pendekatan, model-model dan penilaian pembelajarannya.
Berdasarkan pemahaman tentang Kurikulum, mahasiswa mendiskusikan materi pembelajaran, langkah-langkah pengembangan bahan ajar,sumber bahan ajar, pengembangan bahan ajar cetak dan berbasis ICT, serta media pembelajaran.
Statistika (2SKS) 2019/2020 ING 2018A
Matakuliah Statistika diperuntukkan bagi mahasiswa semester 1 program studi Teknologi Pendidikan
Statistika (2SKS) 2019/2020 ING 2018B
Matakuliah Statistika diperuntukkan bagi mahasiswa semester 1 program studi Teknologi Pendidikan
Statistika (2SKS) 2019/2020 ING 2018C
Matakuliah Statistika diperuntukkan bagi mahasiswa semester 1 program studi Teknologi Pendidikan
Statistika (2SKS) 2019/2020 ING 2018E
Matakuliah Statistika diperuntukkan bagi mahasiswa semester 1 program studi Teknologi Pendidikan
Vocabulary A 2020
Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan konsep teori dan komponen komponen kosakata (Vocabulary) dan dapat menerapkan dalam komunikasi sehari hari baik dalam bentuk tulis maupun lisan dalam suasana akademik maupun non akademik (P2) dengan mengintegrasikan sesuai dengan norma dan etika akademik (A4)
This course is designed to give knowledge in the =[
This course is designed to give knowledge in the English Speech Sounds and how they are pronounced in isolation as well as in phrases, clauses, and sentences based on the English phonological system.
speech sound
Post-Intermediate Listening A
This course focuses on developing academic listening skills needed to succeed in college and university content courses, particularly those of academic presentational skills, interpersonal skills (i.e. group discussions and conversations), and interpretive skills (i.e. note-taking and listening comprehension), through an emphasis on both fluency and accuracy. This course aims to develop students’ listening skills in using a range of strategies to unlock meaning in spoken texts in academic settings (e.g. lectures) by focusing on text organisation, main ideas, discourse structure, vocabulary, and ways to outline and note down key points. At the end of the course the students should be able to: (1) use strategies to make the listening processes faster and more efficient, (2) identify or summarize the main ideas in a spoken academic text, (3) take notes from a spoken academic text in order to create an outline of key points, (4) be aware of the author’s/speaker’s purpose, and critically evaluate the content and issues arising, (5) answer questions relating to overall structure and detailed meaning of a spoken academic text know what to listen for in terms of the delivery of spoken information i.e. word stress, intonation, lecturer’s signals, predicting content etc., (6) make the process of listening and note-taking faster and more efficient by using symbols, abbreviations, and labeling, (7) have an increased vocabulary of ‘academic’ words from the ‘Academic Word List’ and other input sources, (8) guess the meaning of unfamiliar words by using ‘word attack’ strategies e.g. reference words, linkers, synonyms, word families (prefixes, suffixes), dictionary skills etc, and (9) look for relationships between words/ideas in sentences and across paragraphs/sections of text.